Understanding and Implementing the Decorator Pattern in JavaScript

TL;DR: This article breaks down the concept of the Decorator Pattern, a structural design pattern that adds new functionalities to existing objects without using subclasses. Using the example of a User class, we’ll explore how this pattern reduces complexity and improves maintainability, all illustrated with code snippets in JavaScript.


In the world of programming, design patterns are used as blueprints that guide software design. They are efficient, reusable solutions to common problems that developers often encounter. The Decorator Pattern, a structural design pattern, is one such guide. The idea is to add new functionality to an existing object without creating subclasses. This pattern offers flexibility in terms of structure and makes code easier to maintain and understand. Today, we’ll delve into the Decorator Pattern and explore how it can be implemented using JavaScript.

The Decorator Pattern: Why and When?

One might ask, “If JavaScript allows us to extend classes whenever we want, why do we need the Decorator Pattern?” The answer lies in managing complexity. While creating subclasses may seem like a simple solution to add new functionalities, it leads to a larger number of subclasses that could quickly become overwhelming to manage. This pattern comes to the rescue by minimizing the number of subclasses we need to maintain.

Take for instance a User class that represents a staff member at an organization. All members have read access to documents, but administrators have write access, and executives need access to private documents. Using subclasses for every different behavior would quickly increase complexity. This is where we employ decorators – we use them for each variation and then apply them to objects as required.

Implementing the Decorator Pattern: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the implementation of the Decorator Pattern with the User class example.

Step 1: Create the User base class.

javascriptCopy code// user.js
define(function () {
		'use strict';
		var User = function (id) { 
			this.id = id;
			this.getPermissions = function () { 
				return 'public:read';	
		User.prototype.decoratePermissions = function (decorator) { 
			this.getPermissions = decorator.getPermissions; 
		return User;  

Here, we’ve created a simple User constructor that includes a method for getting the user’s access level and another for inheriting permissions.

Step 2 & 3: Create the executive and administrator decorators.

javascriptCopy code// exec.js
define(function () {
		'use strict';
		return {
			getPermissions: function () { 
				return 'public:read, confidential:read';	

// admin.js
define(function () {
		'use strict';
		return {
			getPermissions: function () { 
				return 'public:read, confidential:write';	

These decorators modify the getPermissions parameter to provide the necessary permissions for executives and administrators.

Step 4: Initialize the users.

javascriptCopy code// init.js
define(function(require) {
	'use strict';

	return {
		init: function() {
			var user1, user2, 
			User = require('decorator/user'), 
			execDecorator = require('decorator/decorators/exec'),
			adminDecorator = require('decorator/decorators/admin');
			user1 = new User('user1'); 
			user2 = new User('user2'); 

In this step, we create two users and decorate their permissions using the executive and administrator decorators.

Step 5: Integrate the decorator pattern in the main.js file.

javascriptCopy code// main.js
require (
	function (decorator) {
			'use strict';
			var examples = {
			window.runExample = function (example) {

Here, we are requiring the initializer function that we created in the previous step to run the decorator pattern example.


In this article, we examined a simple implementation of the Decorator Pattern, demonstrating its utility in adding new behavior to objects while keeping the code clean and manageable. This pattern is particularly useful in minimizing the number of subclasses an application must maintain, contributing to efficient and maintainable software design. By enhancing our understanding of design patterns like the Decorator Pattern, we can write better, more flexible code that is easier to read, modify, and debug.