Harness the Power of the Best CSS Libraries for Efficient Web Development

TL;DR: Web development requires effective tools. CSS libraries can simplify the process, ensure cross-browser consistency, and boost efficiency. This article delves into top CSS libraries including Normalize.css, Animate.css, Hover.css, Typographic, Compass, Bourbon, Susy, Sassline, Hamburgers, SpinKit, and Buttons, exploring their functionality through practical examples.


The landscape of user style sheets in web development is as diverse as it is challenging. For a consistent, cross-browser user experience, using CSS libraries can be invaluable. This article explores some of the top CSS libraries, showcasing their practical use through examples.



Normalize.css addresses variation in user style sheets, resetting browser displays to a standard layout across all browsers. For example, to apply Normalize.css, you would link it in your HTML file like any other CSS file:

htmlCopy code<link rel="stylesheet" href="normalize.css">


Animate.css brings animations to life across different browsers. Mark items for animation with the “animated” class, then apply the class name of the desired animation. For instance, to animate an element with a bounce effect, you’d use:

htmlCopy code<div class="animated bounce">Your Content Here</div>


Hover.css offers a multitude of hover effects. To use the hover effects, add the class “hvr-” and the name of the animation or effect to your element. For example:

htmlCopy code<button class="hvr-sweep-to-right">Hover over me</button>


Typographic is a CSS library for responsive typography. After downloading the package and importing it into your SCSS file, you can fire up the mixin:

cssCopy code@include typographic;


Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework. You install Compass on your Ruby-enabled system, then create a new project:

bashCopy code$ gem install compass
$ compass create myproject


Susy, a Compass plugin, allows you to create responsive layouts. For example, to create container elements within the .grid element, use:

cssCopy code.grid {
  @include container(90%);


Sassline is a CSS library to strap text to a baseline grid. To use it, add the class “typeset” to set the text to the baseline grid:

htmlCopy code<div class="typeset">Your Content Here</div>


The Hamburgers library aids in creating the popular hamburger menu icons. For instance, the HTML structure for a basic hamburger icon looks like this:

htmlCopy code<button class="hamburger" id="menu-button">
  <span class="hamburger-box">
    <span class="hamburger-inner"></span>


SpinKit is a library for CSS-only loaders. To use it, create a div with the class of page-loader and place the markup for the particular spinner you wish to use inside it:

htmlCopy code<div class="page-loader">
  <!-- Spinner markup goes here -->


Buttons is a CSS-only button library built with Compass. If you want a link to appear as a button, give the link a class=”button” and then the style of button you want:

htmlCopy code<a href="#" class="button button-action">Action Button</a>


CSS libraries can dramatically simplify and enhance the web development process. By understanding these libraries and using them effectively, developers can create responsive, engaging, and user-friendly web experiences. The next time you delve into a web development project, consider leveraging the power of these CSS libraries!