Developing applications, whether for Android or other platforms, comes with its fair share of complexities. Bugs and unexpected issues are a part of this process, and as a developer, it’s your job to tackle these head-on. In Android development, a number of tools and techniques are available to make debugging and runtime troubleshooting easier. This article delves into these tools and the best practices surrounding them.

Understanding Android Debug Bridge (ADB)

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device (emulator or connected Android device). It is an essential tool for debugging your Android apps, and it can run shell commands, manage apps (install, debug, uninstall), transfer files, and quickly access a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on an emulator or connected device.

Deep Dive into Logcat

Logcat is a command-line tool provided in the Android SDK that dumps a log of system messages. These messages include stack traces when the device throws an error, messages that you have written from your app with the Log class, and more.

To access the logcat monitoring console, all you have to do is navigate to View > Tool Windows > Logcat (in Android Studio).

These logcat messages contain a wealth of diagnostic information and can be divided into different levels such as:

  1. Verbose (lowest priority)
  2. Debug
  3. Info
  4. Warning
  5. Error
  6. Assert (highest priority)

Each log message is tagged with a tag that usually indicates the system component or app that generated it, and a priority level.


You can use a simple logging command in your code like this:

Log.d("MyApp","I am here");

In this example, “MyApp” is the tag and “I am here” is the message. The priority level here is Debug (represented by ‘d’).

Leveraging Refactoring

Refactoring is a systematic process of improving your code without creating new functionality. Refactoring can be used to minimize the opportunity for typographical errors when naming strings during debugging. This can be done by extracting constants, which is as simple as selecting the entire string, right-clicking and choosing Refactor > Extract > Constant.

Android Runtime and Dalvik

Dalvik was the Android virtual machine responsible for running apps before Android Runtime (ART) replaced it. ART and Dalvik are compatible runtimes running Dex bytecode, so apps developed for Dalvik should work when running with ART. Understanding these systems can help you better appreciate how your apps run and are debugged on Android devices.

Toast Messages

Toast messages are simple visual cues to the user that something has happened. They pop up on the screen and disappear after a moment, without requiring any user interaction. They are excellent tools for providing feedback to users or for debugging during development. Here’s an example of a toast message:

Toast.makeText(context, "This is a Toast message", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS)

The Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) is another valuable tool for debugging and monitoring your Android apps. It allows you to take screenshots, track memory usage, monitor thread and heap information, perform method profiling, and more.

For instance, in the DDMS perspective, you can select a running app and click on the ‘Update Heap’ button to see heap size, memory used, and the number of objects. To force garbage collection, click on the ‘Cause GC’ button. These are crucial steps in memory management and identifying memory leaks.

Remember that while working with DDMS, you need to select the desired device or emulator from the ‘Devices’ view.


Breakpoints are one of the essential debugging tools that allow you to pause the execution of your program at a specific point. This can be extremely helpful when you’re trying to figure out the state of your variables or the flow of execution in your code. By setting breakpoints, you can step through your code one line at a time, examining the values of variables at each step.


To set a breakpoint in Android Studio, simply click in the left margin in the code editor on the line you want the breakpoint. A red dot will appear to indicate the breakpoint.

Device Market Fragmentation

Finally, it’s important to understand that Android devices come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and Android OS versions. As a developer, you must consider this fragmentation to ensure your app performs well across a broad spectrum of devices.


Debugging and troubleshooting are an integral part of Android development. By leveraging tools like ADB, Logcat, DDMS, and breakpoints, you can quickly identify, diagnose, and fix issues in your Android apps. Being proactive about understanding and using these tools will save you countless hours of frustration and make your apps more robust and reliable.

Remember, the best tool you have is your ability to learn and adapt. Keep honing your debugging skills, stay patient, and never stop learning. Good luck, and happy debugging!


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